Recipe How To Make Yummy Fruit Salad | Healthy Fruit Salad recipe

How To Make Yummy Fruit Salad | Healthy Fruit Salad recipe


Seasonal fruits diced into small cube-like shape and tossed with a yogurt-honey dressing, topped with cheries and nuts make for a delicious and refreshing fruit salad. Packed with vitamins and minerals, this is as nutritous as it can get. Try this simple slad @ home and let us know how u liked it in the comments section below!


  • Honey - 2 tbsp
  • Watermelon - 1 midium bowl
  • Banana - 1
  • Apple - 1 medium bowl
  • Ripe papaya - 1 medium bowl
  • Hung curd - 200 gms
  • Grapes - 50 gms

Enjoy your meal!

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Fruit salad, fruit chaat, fruit chat, Fruit salad with yogurt dressing, source of vitamins, source of minerals, Health boosting antooxidants, ripe papaya salad, watermelon salad, banana salad, mixed fruit salad, fruit salad in Bengali, Salad recipe, fruit salad with dressing,