Recipe Creamy Yogurt Fruit Delight | Fruit Salad Cocktail | Summer Dessert Recipe | Yummy

Creamy Yogurt Fruit Delight | Fruit Salad Cocktail | Summer Dessert Recipe | Yummy



TODAY'S RECIPE IS Creamy Yogurt Fruit Delight | Fruit Salad Cocktail | Summer Dessert Recipe | Yummy


Yogurt fruit salad:

  • Beat for 2 mins
  • Soft stiff peaks
  • Whipping cream 1/4 cup
  • Plain yogurt 1 cup
  • Condensed milk 1/2 cup

Mix well

  • Black grapes
  • Papaya
  • Green grapes
  • Dragon fruit
  • Watermelon

Chill it for 2 hours

NOTE: 1 CUP = 250 ML

Enjoy your meal!

User Rating: 5 / 5

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