Recipe Coconut Popsicles Recipe | 90's Kids Favorite Coconut Ice Cream | Yummy

Coconut Popsicles Recipe | 90's Kids Favorite Coconut Ice Cream | Yummy



TODAY'S RECIPE IS Coconut Popsicles Recipe | 90's Kids Favorite Coconut Ice Cream | Yummy


  • Water 1/4 cup
  • Flour 2 tbsp

Mix well & keep aside

  • Milk 2 cup
  • Sugar 1/2 cup
  1. Cook until boil
  2. Boil for 5 mins
  3. Add flour mixture
  4. Keep stirring
  5. Cook for 7-10 mins
  6. Thick consistency
  7. Let it cool down
  8. Strawberry 1 cup
  9. Thick milk
  10. Blend
  11. Strain
  12. Keep it in the freezer for 2-3 hours
  13. After 2 hours
  14. Whisk it well well
  15. Again keep in the freezer for 8 hours or over night
  16. Pistachios
  17. Chopped strawberries

NOTE: 1 CUP = 250 ML

Enjoy your meal!

User Rating: 5 / 5

coconut popsicles, coconut ice cream, coconut ice cream recipe,