Recipe Quick Lunch Box Recipe |Corn & Parsley Rice | Continental Rice Recipe

Quick Lunch Box Recipe |Corn & Parsley Rice | Continental Rice Recipe


This is a quick and super-easy lunch-box rice preparation that goes well with any sauce/gravy based Continental or American serving or even any light Indian curry. Delicately flavoured, this plays an excellent second fiddle to the maain dish whose sumptuous-ness prevails. Rustle up this simple rice prep to go with your special dish of the evening. Happy cooking!


  • Salt as per taste
  • Cooked long grain rice - 1 large bowl
  • Chopped parsley - handful of
  • Boiled sweet corn - 1 small bowl
  • Butter - 2 tbsp

Enjoy your meal!

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Corn rice, Ameriacan corn rice, Rice recipe, Quick lunch box recipe, Corn and parsley rice, Continental rice recipe, Veg rice, Italian corn rice, sweet corn rice, Easy luch box recipe, Recipe for bachelors, rice recipe for office goers,