Recipe Orange Trifle Delight Recipe | Super Easy & Quick Orange Custard Dessert | Yummy

Orange Trifle Delight Recipe | Super Easy & Quick Orange Custard Dessert | Yummy



TODAY'S RECIPE IS Orange Trifle Delight Recipe | Super Easy & Quick Orange Custard Dessert | Yummy


  • One orange (finely chopped)
  • Powder Sugar 2 tbsp

Mix well

Keep it in the fridge

  • Milk 2 cup
  • Sugar 1/3 cup
  1. Bring it to a boil
  2. Boil for 5 mins
  3. Custard powder 2 tbsp + milk 2 tbsp
  4. Keep stirring
  5. Cook for 5 mins
  6. Orange essence 1 tsp
  7. Let it cool down
  8. Plain cake
  9. Make crumbs
  10. Custard
  11. Finely chopped orange
  12. Cake crumbs
  13. Make orange jelly
  14. Pour jelly mixture
  15. Keep it in the fridge until jelly set
  16. Cake crumbs
  17. Custard
  18. Jelly mixture
  19. Keep it in the fridge until jelly set
  20. Whipping cream

NOTE: 1 CUP = 250 ML

Enjoy your meal!

User Rating: 5 / 5

custard trifle, orange trifle delight,