Recipe How to bake: Easy cake pops tutorial w/ buttercream

How to bake: Easy cake pops tutorial w/ buttercream


Hi, I'm making cake pops.

These are cake pops using the butter cream method and not a cake pop maker. They do require more effort than just using a cake pop maker but they are amazing and worth the effort for a gift or party.

You will need:

  • 2 Tablespoons of buttercream (approx),
  • cake pop sticks and 500g of chocolate
  • 1 small/medium cake,

Tips: Allow your cake to cool fully before attempting to crumble it, don't make your butter cream too sweet, add butter cream to cake mixture in stages and not all at once, if your cake balls are not firm on the stick after coming out of the fridge or freezer, put them in for longer, temper chocolate so the chocolate sets, leave the finished cake pops for several hours before serving and do NOT refrigerate them once they are coated in chocolate as they will sweat.

Enjoy your meal!

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English, UK, Recipe, Tutorial, How to, baking, cooking, decorating, cake decorating, cupcakes, cakes, muffins, icing, fondant, food, chocolate, white chocolate, cake pops, cake balls, cakepops, easy recipe, lemon buttercream, buttercream, sticks, party, event, occasion, gift, tutorial, sweetheart, sweet heart,